[MiKTeX] Problem Installing MikTex on linux mint 18
Víctor Barceló
2016-12-06 13:03:43 UTC
Hello, I have a problem installing MikTex on Linux Mint 18. Following the
steps on the web, installing libraries etc, then y write on the console: *cmake
-G "Unix Makefile", *but the system sends back : *CMake Error: The source
directory "/home/victor" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt.* ¿What
can i do to fix that?

Thanks beforehand!
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Aradenatorix Veckhôm Awecaelus
2016-12-06 18:11:05 UTC
You shouldn't install MikTeX in another OS but Windows, it's a TeX
distribution made only for that OS. In Mint and other distros you have
another choice: TeXlive, you can install TeXlive 2016 from the CTAN or
from the reopositories of Mint, it's divided in diferent collections
as base, science, humanities, full, etc.

Deppending of your own needs you can use a small collection such as
base or maybe the whole distribution as texlive full.
Good luck

Developer Access Program for Intel Xeon Phi Processors
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Q: How can I leave the mailing list?
A: See http://docs.miktex.org/faq/support.html#leavingml
David Allsopp
2016-12-06 20:00:32 UTC
Post by Aradenatorix Veckhôm Awecaelus
You shouldn't install MikTeX in another OS but Windows, it's a TeX
distribution made only for that OS.
This is not true: https://miktex.org/howto/build-unx
Post by Aradenatorix Veckhôm Awecaelus
In Mint and other distros you have
another choice: TeXlive, you can install TeXlive 2016 from the CTAN or
from the reopositories of Mint, it's divided in diferent collections as
base, science, humanities, full, etc.
But there is a strong chance this may be what the OP actually wants, I agree!


Developer Access Program for Intel Xeon Phi Processors
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Q: How can I leave the mailing list?
A: See http://docs.miktex.org/faq/support.html#leavingml
Aradenatorix Veckhôm Awecaelus
2016-12-06 20:11:26 UTC
Thanks, I see I was wrong.

Developer Access Program for Intel Xeon Phi Processors
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Q: How can I leave the mailing list?
A: See http://docs.miktex.org/faq/support.html#leavingml

Christian Schenk
2016-12-06 19:59:13 UTC
Post by Víctor Barceló
Hello, I have a problem installing MikTex on Linux Mint 18. Following the
steps on the web, installing libraries etc, then y write on the console: *cmake
-G "Unix Makefile", *but the system sends back : *CMake Error: The source
directory "/home/victor" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt.* ¿What
can i do to fix that?
You must either be in the source directory (not recommended), or you
have to specify the path the source directory. For example:

mkdir ~/miktex
cd ~/miktex
tar -xvJf miktex-2.9-2016-10-30.tar.xz
mkdir ~/miktex/build
cd ~/miktex/build
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ../miktex-2.9-2016-10-30

Your source directory is ~/miktex/miktex-2.9-2016-10-30 and your
(out-of-source) build directory is ~/miktex/build.

Developer Access Program for Intel Xeon Phi Processors
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Q: How can I leave the mailing list?
A: See http://docs.miktex.org/faq/support.htm
David Allsopp
2016-12-06 19:59:38 UTC
Post by Víctor Barceló
Hello, I have a problem installing MikTex on Linux Mint 18. Following the
*cmake -G "Unix Makefile", *but the system sends back : *CMake Error: The
source directory "/home/victor" does not appear to contain
CMakeLists.txt.* ¿What can i do to fix that?
It looks from the error messages like you've forgotten to change into the sources directory - you didn't really extract the MiKTeX sources to /home/victor did you?

Also, it's "Unix Makefiles" (with an 's' at the end).


Developer Access Program for Intel Xeon Phi Processors
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Q: How can I leave the mailing list?
A: See http://