[MiKTeX] pdflatex error: pdflatex.exe(file mathkerncmssi8): Font mathkerncmssi8 not found
Sang-Sub Lee
2017-07-03 18:30:35 UTC
I am an inexperienced latex user and try to create presentation file with beamer for the first time.

But I am having issues with running beamer files from TeXnicCenter.

For example, I got the following error message in one run:

Trying to make PK font mathkerncssi8 at 600DPI..

The METFAONT mod is : ljfour

Running miktex-makemf.exe..

Sorry, but miktex-makemf did not succeed for the following reason:

The mathkerncssi source file could not be found.


Running miktex-makepk.exe...

sorry, but miktex-mkepk did not succeed because PK font mathkerncmssi8 could not be created.


Fatal Error occurred. No output pdf file produced!

Other experiments also give similar error messages: complaining about "mathkerncssi source file?" could not be found!!

Any help will be appreciated.

Andrei Malokostov
2017-07-03 20:28:14 UTC
Dear Sam,

It is very difficult to guess what happens without looking into your TeX
file. Could you send it?

Andrei Malokostov
Post by Sang-Sub Lee
I am an inexperienced latex user and try to create presentation file with
beamer for the first time.
But I am having issues with running beamer files from TeXnicCenter.
Trying to make PK font mathkerncssi8 at 600DPI..
The METFAONT mod is : ljfour
Running miktex-makemf.exe..
The mathkerncssi source file could not be found.
Running miktex-makepk.exe...
sorry, but miktex-mkepk did not succeed because PK font mathkerncmssi8
could not be created.
Fatal Error occurred. No output pdf file produced!
Other experiments also give similar error messages: complaining about
"mathkerncssi source file?" could not be found!!
Any help will be appreciated.
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Ulrike Fischer
2017-07-03 20:57:07 UTC
Post by Sang-Sub Lee
Trying to make PK font mathkerncssi8 at 600DPI..
Run on a command line (as normal user) the command

Ulrike Fischer